Monday, March 29, 2004

He Rolled Over

He rolled over.
It was all that it was cracked up to be. Emmett rolled over today! We captured it on video and I am so excited. I helped him a little bit. I kinda "pushed" him over to show him how it worked. And he is such a little genius that he picked it right up right away.

He was so cute all day! Mike and I have this new idea. I watch Emmett one day...Mike watches him the next. That way, the other person is able to work and one of us is devoted to taking care of Emmett. So anyway, Emmett rolled over in my care...but I called Mike just before it happened and he came running in with the video camera.

After that, I was getting ready for the gym and I used my boppy (which he is getting to be too big for) and I sat him up in it. I made up an on the spot chant/song called "He's sittin' up" and the words were something like "There's no question, he's sittin' up". He was so cute and adorable.

Then , I took him to the gym. The lady there was like "Emmett! Where have you been!" (it's been several days since I've been to the gym). She kept asking so finally I was like "My mommy has been keeping me away". I never know how to react to those sorts of things. Like, she kept asking him over and over again. At first I was silent, but then I'm thinking — is she really talking to me and just using him to ask? Generally, I tackle it in two ways. I either make a little kid's voice and "give" the answer for Emmett or I do the whole "He's saying that blah blah" (in which case I don't make my voice like a little kid's).

I had a good work out at the gym, and usually when I come to pick him up, everything is fine and they are kind of sad to see him go (he's the prince of Kid's Corner, as I call him). But today, he was fussy when I came to pick him up and as soon as I held him he started crying. I calmed him down and he fell asleep in the car. But later, he got really fussy again. I tried my best to help him, but he was inconsolable for about an hour. Finally, after taking off all his clothes, walking him around and massaging him, he got into a good mood. I rubbed lotion on him and tickled his skin. He was laughing a little. Then I put him in his swing and he fell asleep.

He woke up about an hour later and was not happy. He was cranky again, fussing and crying. I put pj's on him and brought him to my parents. My dad stood in fron of the window with him and they watched the trucks. I couldn't believe it. My dad said "All boys love trucks" and I watched as my sons eyes got really big as the trucks went by and he followed them until they were out of view.

I brought him home and nursed him and he let me put him down. I had him say goodnight to daddy before I put him in his crib and I felt like such a good mom and like we were such a good family.

I should make a note that last night, Emmett woke up in a pool of sweat — literally. The sheets were DRENCHED nad so was his back. We changed him and we were really worried. It may possibly be the result of the shots he ahd 2 days ago, but the sheets were still wet this AM and that was scary. We thought maybe allergies, but the shirt he was wearing was 100% cotton.

I am going to wait another day to see what the deal is. If he is as cranky tomorrow, I'm going to make an appointment.

Today I felt like a good mom. I was attentitive to him for most of the day and I managed to calm him down and get him to sleep.


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