Thursday, October 07, 2004

A salute to Dr. Atkins

Although I promised myself I wouldn't, I'm doing it again.

Eating cottage cheese and meat, preparing myself for certain depression but bracing myself with "it's just a few weeks". I want to get back to my old weight (at least) and am taking drastic measures to do so. Already, this cup of cottage cheese tastes to rich for my Medetterian buds.

We got a new coffee maker:

It's the highest rated on epinions and what's strange is that I just saw it in Williams-Sonoma, LOVEd the style, but decided I couldn't afford it. When you buy it refurbished for $49 and get 10% off, it's worth it. Total cost, $54.00 (including shipping). I enclosed a "gift note" that said "Happy Anniversary Mike and Elisabeth".

Which is coming up. Our anniversary. Does anyone know anyone with a vacation place anywhere remote (Poconos, shore etc.). We want to actually "go away" which is something we've never done before for an anniversary.

I'm dealing once again with the whole "Guys Days/Nights Out". It is really hard to be a non-girlish girl in a society that's unfriendly to strong women (maybe not strong, but not girlish). I am putting my foot down and everyone can just deal with it becuase, like we're not in the 1800's. If I'm expected to work and pay and lift heavy things, I can hang out with the guys.


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