Friday, June 04, 2004

Emmett's First First Friday

Ana said "Hey, you wanna go to First Friday with us".
I laughed and said "Uh-huh" in that "duh, you know I can't go" kind of way.
Then I thought about it and realized...why can't I go.

So we did. Emmett and I drove down with Kyle and Ana and we met Chris on South Street at Java. Then, we walked to Olde City and met Colin and Mike. Emmett of course was an angel thorugh it all...seeing the Real World House (Oh WOW!), seeing Chris' friend, going into the costume shop, talking to this girl Amanda, and endless walking through big crowds in the stroller.

I needed this so much. I looked good and fit into an old pair of jeans and I just loved being around so many people. I felt alive. I felt I had a life and like there were things that I could do. Like being a mom wasn't so hard. Like Emmett could fit into my world. Like the world was a place I like.

It was SO good to see Colin who I have missed terribly. He was (of course) haliarously fun. We were at a cheesesteak shop having a beer and a cheesesteak and (of course) the Real World guy happens to pick our restaurant to eat in. The crowds were going wild. Except for us, the cynics. Chris suggested that Colin should rape the guy's mom so he would be sure to get on TV. We were all cracking up. Then, Colin decided he should just hit on the woman (who, incidentally was dressed 'to the nines in an 80s style outfit) and he could pretend he had no idea she was being filmed. Very very funny.

We went to Chris' house and were locked out. AFter a long struggle, I was able to "card" the door open with a Genuardi's Card. I felt like a true hero. Chris and I got ice cream, unifying in our need to splurge off the diet, and then we went back. A very, very good time.

Earlier today, I fufiled my promise and had Emmett and Mommy day. I just spent a lot of time with Emmett...playing with him, kissing him...talking to him...He was a main part of my day. At the gym, I brought cookies for the ladies becuase they do such a great job.

I love Emmett. I've decided to make a t-shirt that says "I love Emmett".
Posted by: ould pretend he had no idea she was being filmed. Very very funny.

We went to Chris' house and were locked out. AFter a long struggle, I was able to "card" the door open with a Genuardi's Card. I felt like a true hero. Chris and I got ice cream, unifying in our need to splurge off the diet, and then we went back. A very, very good time.

Earlier today, I fufiled my promise and had Emmett and Mommy day. I just spent a lot of time with Emmett...playing with him, kissing him...talking to him...He was a main part of my day. At the gym, I brought cookies for the ladies becuase they do such a great job.

I love Emmett. I've decided to make a t-shirt that says "I love Emmett".
Posted by: Elisabeth / 2:00 AM

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