So now you snuggle with blankets.
Dear Emmett,
All of the sudden, you are like this aware kid. You fake demand attention...and you sleep ON YOUR SIDE hugging a blanket up to your chin. Mike and I can hardly believe it. Yesterday, you had this big issue. I put shoes on your feet and you hated them. You were crying all through church and afterwards at Uncle Colin's and as soon as I took them off, you were fine. What a strong little personality you have.
In other news, I entered you into a baby contest. It's a Babies R Us & American Baby magazine contest so I know there will be thousands of entries. If you don't win, it's not because you aren't the cutest baby. It's because there are thousands of entries.
I am on the Atkins diet these days and you don't seem to notice or care. That just in.
Let me think if there's anything else. I'm tired and I can't think of too much more. Let me ask your father. "mike did anything else significant happen with Emmett?"
(Dad) "Oh. Um. No. Just more and more aware. He was looking at this shirt today. Like he could grab it -- like the picture". (He's wearing a Wesley Willis decal shirt). I noticed that too. YOu are very into touching things -- textures. You were rubbing the window frame wood today and you love to give me kisses. You also love playing with the ball we got you from Gymboree.
Other Events:
1. Gymboree: Last Gymboree you didn't want to interact with me as much as you wanted to interact with the kid next to you. You were staring at him and laughing at everything he did.
2. Resale: We took you to a kid's resale and bought you tons of clothing and a few toys. Your dad got you a huge truck.
3. "Hi": I swear. YOu said "Hi" to me the other day. I said "Hi" and you said "Hi".
4. Rolling Over: Today you rolled over all by yourself. I made a very big deal of it and I don't think you could remember why I was rejoicing.
5. Food: You're getting fussy and we can't keep up. Sometimes you like peas. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes you like oatmeal. Someteims you don't.
Regardless, I adore you at all times and I love seeing you in the morning. Your dad brings you in at about 4 or 5. I nurse you and then you fall asleep with us. At about 7, you start kicking and punching me and when i turn to face you, your entire face lights up and blazes with joy.
Oh how I love you Emmett.
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