Spring & Orange Pellets
Dear Emmett,
The weekend was very busy. Your Mom-Mom came and stayed with us and you had so much fun. The only problem wa that you were constipated the whole weekend long. You made it clear to us and were struggling to go. We struggled wth you. At one point you were with your father, me, Mom-Mom, Yaya and Papou and we were all routing you on as you struggled to go. You made a little, round orange pellet and a huge smile spread over your face.
On Sunday night, I made curtains for Colin and Mom-Mom took care of you. You kept faking to cough and she was faking to cough too. You were imitating her. Later, Wayne came over and we stayed up until about 3. Of course you slept, but we stayed up and were not good company for you this morning. When I woke up, you were beaming at me and wanted me to play with you. Daddy and I both played with you for about an hour, then I took you and started playing and I overwhelmed you (I play kind of rough). I said "Ok Emmett. Let's look at something boring then." and we looked out the window.
I called the doctor to ask about your constipation and she explained everything. Basically, rice cerael and sweet potatos and apples are binding (who knew about apples!) and I need to balance those foods with prune juice, pear juice or oatmeal. In other words, I'm going to start to give you more than one item at a time.
We put you down for a nap and when you woke up, you sat outside with us for devotions. It was a beautiful day (about 70 degrees) so we took your pants off and you wore just a long sleeved onsie which is your dream come true. You were happy through devotions. But then, I had a 2pm meeting so your dad took you and you fell asleep on his tummy. When I was finished my meeting, I came in and saw you sleeping on him and my heart melted. I am in love with you both.
Tonight, we took you to an Avondale meeting about what they're going to do to improve PA Ave. Actually, we were on our way to Yaya and Papou's house and we saw them outside and they asked if we would go wtih them. So, we said OK and walked about 3 blocks to the meeting. You loved being outside and on the way home we stopped at the playground and put you in the swing. Papou was playing with you, putting your tummy on his head and whirling you around. You were giggling in delight.
My mother calls you "Emmeritis" and my father is trying to call you the same nickname. Then, my mom called you "NuNu". I couldn't believe it. I was calling you "Poopie" all day because, by this afternoon, you had happily pooped 2 orange pellets.
Observations Today: That I am loving being your mom. That I am so proud of you at all times. That I am determined to make you proud of me when you're old enough to care. I'm determined to make sure I stay in touch with your generation so that I can understand you.
Memories Before Emmett was Born— "The Blue Punch Party" : In 1997, I lived on 4th and South (428 South Street 2nd Floor) above a store called The Vintage Clothing Company. The store was terrible to live above because starting at 12 noon every day, the musicwas so loud my floors vibrated. Regardless, it made for a great party house. I'd painted the very funky (mint green, bright pink and pale pink). In the one room, I painted a gigantic white star on the wall and hung cool chandeliers from the ceiling. In the bathroom, I decorated the clawfoot tub with mardigras beads and painted mint circles on the walls. It was a very cool apartment, complete with black and white checkered lineoleum on the floors. It was the perfect apartment for a party. So, in October, I had "Absolute Cosmo" (later nicknamed The Blue Punch Party). It was a formal party and I handmade all the invitations with magazine cut outs of people dressed really cool. Inside, I had keychain attachments with the date of the party. I did it up very well with nice foods (which Yaya prepared) and I spared no expense on the alcohol. My boyfriend at the time,read a passage from a book he bought about how a party would be rememberd by its punch and to spare no expense with the punch etc. etc. Finally, I gave in and bought top shelf. He made the best punch you can possibly imagine. It was a reallly fun party, everyone looked sensational and the punch was delicious. And like clockwork, about an hour after everyone came, all of the sudden -- we were all trashed and very much all of the sudden. Your father came, as did Uncle Colin, Scott and really, the entire church I'd just begun attending. I barely knew them at the time, except for yoru father. I'd already decided that I wanted to marry him (I'd known him for a few months). But I wasn't sure if he liked me. Well, he and his friends were very impressed with the party (particularly since they really didn't drink or go to parties. I in some ways, feel that I corrupted the church). And my parents had heard of Mike. When they met him, however, he was totally and outlandishly drunk. I found out later that that was the first time he'd ever gotten drunk. In any case, your father had not admitted to liking me formally. He was being chased around by a girl named Reagan throughout the night, but I did feel he was giving me very special attention. At the end of the night, i was presented with a video tape of the party (I was wearing a blue dress if you ever see pictures). Anyway, I never watched it because I had lived it and most of the video was in black in white. A few months ago, Ana and I watched the video and the very last five minutes was your father. He was trying to tell the camera man that he felt like he was too late...that he felt like he'd missed his chance with me. When I watched it, I got shivery.
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