In the kitchen...
David, Dave and Ana are eating sugar cerael and talking about the living conditions in China. Emmett is running around with this little cart. And I'm waking up still, with a cup of coffee that Ana made.
Life feels good right now. Our meeting last night was inspiring to say the least. David is totally into our idea and spends a great deal of his time living in China. He feels confident he could set up the backend of the business. Mike and I are totally confident with the US also turns out, he writes grants for a living.
I'm also feeling really excited about the TV show. I just feel like things are working.
I woke up a few minutes late for my job and stumbled into the office, and had a pleasant conversation with one of my co-workers. I was also able to hire someone Mike and I worked with years ago that is a very competent and solid technical worker.
I made some fantastic vegan stuffed peppers last night. I still can't believe how good they were. My issue with Go Lean is that I wish it was easier to separate into little pieces.
Yesterday at the market, this lady came up to me and was telling me how her boyfriend lent her car to his friend and he stole everything in it, including her license and she was so upset becusae he was in the parking lot. I found myself looking AT her, the lines in her face, the rough of her voice, and I was barely even listenting to her. In fact, I felt slightly scared of her. She reminded me of a Jerrry Springer type of guest, and I was not allowing myself to relate.
I feel terribly guilty about this. What kind of a Christian am I and how dare I consider myself non-classist. That woman came to me for help and all that i did was tell her "I'm sorry. Did you tell the people in Giant?" while holding Emmett inside the car.
I'm always, always learning.
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