I had a dream about Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt
Actually, I had it two nights ago.
I met Jennifer Aniston as an interviewer. I had written her a letter asking her to let me do an interview with her. An interview that would show the real side of who she was. Basically, I told her she would make my career by letting me do it. And I sent her a list of questions like "What is it like to be rich" "What do you hate about being famous" "Do you ever miss being a regular person" etc.
In the course of the interview, I became friends with her to some degree and ended up hanging out with her a little bit. She was telling me that she and Bradd Pitt were having problems and she felt like he was cheating on her.Anyway, she and Courtney Cox left (I forgot to mention that C.Cox was there) before Brad got home. I was waiting around to ask him some questions. Jennifer was purposely avoiding him.
Brad came home and basically wanted me to hug him and cuddle with him, which I did. ( Please note, I am not a Brad Pitt fan. I don't know WHERE this was coming from). I realized I was betraying Jennifer Aniston, but I didn't really know what to do. I felt like I had to hug him. All of the sudden, he was done with me. He had no respect for me because I'd betrayed Jennifer Aniston and he coldy left.
The next day, I drempt about Survivor Rob and Amber. The dream was dumb...I don't remember it. The point is I'm reading People magazine and it's sinking into my subconscious.
Emmett News
Emmett is almost sitting up completely on his own
Emmett fake laughs sometimes when I am trying to make him laugh.
When Emmett doesn't want to sleep, he'll cry, and we go in to check on him, he'll laugh because he knows we'll think it's cute and pick him up.
Emmett is the most popular baby at the Gym. All the children love him (LITERALLY)
Emmett has rhythm. He is always kicking his feet to music.
Elisabeth News
Well, since my last depressing post, things have gotten better. (of course) I'm not as depressed as I was and am wondering if I have bi-polar disorder.
Actually, here are all the conditions I'm afraid I have:
ADHD (I'm not sure of the difference)
Bi-Polar Disorder
Personality Disorder
Hypo Glocemia or Diabeties
Anyway, things got better because, for me, sleeping really helps me see things clearly. The passing of time. I am more content with my position here. I'm anxious to see what the future holds, but am trying to live in the "present". (very, very difficult for me).
In other news, I found a lump on the lower back of my neck. I'm sort of worried, but am trying not to think about it. I have an appointment on Thursday. 2 of my teeth are hurting (in that root kind of way) and I'm going to make an appointment for July. I'm also wondering if I am having eye problems because I am always reading things wrong and confusing certain words *this is why I think I have dislexia.
I've been getting a lot done during the day lately. I feel "on top " of the house and the laundry etc.
Today's News
My day was...satisfying.
I went to the Gym.
I did laundry.
I went to Gymboree.
I cleaned up & made appointments.
I went to the Greek Festival.
We looked at a car.
Gym: A normal work out. But as usual, at the end when I went to get Emmett, there were 5 children around him asking me questions about him. Emmett has a naturally attractive personality, EVERYONE likes Emmett and I'm realizing it's not normal for other babies. It's not fakers just saying he's cute. People are like DRAWN to Emmett. I call him the "Prince of the Gym"
Laundry: Not too exciting, except that I washed our comforter and couch pillows.
Gymboree: Interesting. Two of the ladies there seem "interested" in me. It's very strange since I am NOTHING like them. (They drive SUV's and wear kahki shorts). But they were trying to talk to me etc. Emmett and I had a great time. He was cracking up when I was giving him rides at Gymboree.
Greek Festival: Did I mention my favorite food is Greek? Since Mike wanted us to go look at a car near the Greek Festival (in Wilmington DE), I was very interested in going (and stopping for a bite to eat at the festival). Emmett was so cute the whole time and EVERYONE was saying how cute he was -- even these teenage kids that clearly do not care about babies. They said "Now THAT is a cute baby". Anyway, I got moussaka and Mike got Pastiticho. (spelled wrong I'm sure). Then, we split a slouvaki sandwhich.
Car: It was a Volvo 89 with 105,000 miles for 1200.00 Too good to be true? Yes. It was. We met the guy at 9pm and the car was in bad shape. Although he described it as "excellent", it was not even close. A few of the features: No parking break! Ripped seats! Problematic fuse box! Non working interior lights! Dents and scratches on body! Non-matching grill! Dashboard light non working! Clunky clutch! And more,,,,
Other News
Ana's Boyfriend Jason is coming this week and staying with us.
Replies to the Christening are coming in slowly.
I'm going to get to see Jessica this weekend
Mike is doing great at this job
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