Friday, June 11, 2004

I went crazy at TJ Max.

For years, I was ANTI that store. I had been to the end of season sales at Lord & Taylor (and others on that "level") and the deals I was getting were BETTER than the deals you get at TJ Max and those other closeout places.

Since moving out here to Avon"middleofnowhere"ville, TJ Max is (literally) the closest store to us. Needless to say, I've become more open.

Perhaps it's an understatement. It's like myhh favorite store.
And yesterday I went and bought 2 huge bagfuls of clothing for myself and for Mike. At the counter the spry young woman said "Who you buyin this for">? I said "My husband". "He should learn to shop for hisself, you know what I'm sayin. Men should learn to shop for theyself".

I was like "yeah" but secretly thinking "no, I love shopping for Mike".

In other news, I gained a pound despite the fact that I'm going to the gym every day. It's because I can't stop eating. I think the quitting smoking thing has finally caught up with me.

Emmett slep t for 5 hours today adn was acting like he'd grown so much so, I told him I noticed . He's mouthing words...I imitate him and he recognizes what I'm doing...he complains about things....he says DADA (as of today).

We are looking for a car and I thought I found one. A really good deal on a Honda in Reading...and I was illing to go get it. The lady promised she wouldn't sell it until we came out to see it (on Sasturday) but she called me tonight and told me her husband sold it. I just took it as fate.

I'm pressing for a minivan or SUV. If you could have heard me in LA...or even when I'm driving, this is an insane contradiction. I have always HATED big cars and vans. However, the joy of having space for Emmett and his "stuff" is unimaginable. Not feeling like we're all squished would be great. Mike is very anti it, but he is half=heartedly looking into it. He is trying to push for a Volvo station wagon (OF COURSE it's way cooler), but we really can't spend over $2,000. I doubt we'll get a good Volvo for that.

The bump on the back of my neck doesn't seem to be serious. The doctor (who was very pretty and young and didn't seem like a genius at all) said that it was most likely nothing -- a cyst -- and she gave me a perscription to see if it would go away. I also asked her about my scoliosis and she said a chiropractor would help. I'm thinking why doesn't insurance cover it!

Tomorrow is my parents yard sale which we were drafted into helping with.
I'm exhauseted already.

I really want to go see Stepford Wives, The Day After Tomorrow, Mean Girls and Supersize This. Finding someone to babysit is hard and I feel akward asking my parents. I'm sure they'd say yes, but I just don't like to ask them. Then, this great thing happened.

My friend Kyle called me and told me she's giving Mike and I tickets to see Napolean Dynamite (which got great reviews) and she and her friend Bonnie are going to watch Emmett on Wed. We are like YEAH!!!

The other good news is that Jessica is moving to Philly for sure. I'll see her this weekend which is cool. And I want to give a shout out to Wayne who really cares about Mike and I. We can tell and he's a great guy. Check out his blog at


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