Friday, July 09, 2004

A little about my prince, Britany and Madonna

So, now days he sits up on his own. He says Dada. He sees lightening bugs. He smiles for cameras like a model. He poops in the potty (when we see him struggling, we take off his diaper and run him into the bathroom where he goes. Emmett is my life. He is my pride and joy. Yesterday I spent the entire day loving him. Seriously. Every moment I was relishing in him. Playing for a long time....hugging him....making him laugh. I love Emmett in a way that exceeds infatuation, but can only be described that way to anyone that hasn't had kids. It is unbelievable.

Britany and her dancer

If you're in a long line at the supermarket, read the Britany People issue. It is so, so very sad. Britany is engaged to her dancer and in the interview, she sounds pathetic. We learn that she proposed and he said no at first, then proposed later on. She calls him "Babe" thorughout the interview, and when he says things like "I knew at first sight she was the girl for me" she hugs him and says "Really babe?". Her wedding planner brought her 10 engagement rings to choose from and she chose a 4kt one. She really sounds bad.

Madonna (aka Esther)

OK. First of all, everyone is still allowed to call her Madonna. But she's starting to freak me out a little bit. I saw pictures of her tour and there was all this Hebrew writing everywhere. She doesn't seem to do anything but Kaballa (sp) and it seems (again) pathetic. It's cool that she's devoted to something like this but it seems like such a watered-down form of Judiasm. I like to think of Madonna like a cup of strong, black coffee. I like to think she likes extremems. Maybe I'm just disapointed. I would love for Madonna to become a Christian. I really really like her.

So that's my tangent. I need to talk aboutEmmett and I need to talk about things that mean nothing. As far as I'm concerned its therapeutic. It's an emotional break from this season of "downtime" that gives me far too much time to think.


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