"Guys" Night Out.
It's perfect timing for another one of these completely discriminating, alientating nights that, in a nutshell, may as well be called "Everyone BUT Elisabeth Night".
Yes. An upcoming day on the boat for MEN ONLY. Humm...Let's see. Jane hates the boat. Jessica gets sea sick. Yep. The only one who would actually go would be me and I'm the wrong gender for the occassion.
I'm going to start my own night out and send it to all the guys that claim to be my friend (but never seem to forget my "difference"). It will be called "C, J, M and E"* Night Out. We'll go to Hershey Park, then go bar hopping later that night. But only people who's names begin with C,J, M or E.
Here's the thing. If there were all these "events" that were happening, I could understand the need for these gender specific times. Not to exclude me (since I can "hang), but to exclude the women that can't. As it is, the events are very few and 50% in the recent past have been only for the "superior" gender.
Impossible, but true. I'm finding a surge of hatred emerging. In the murk of my past is still some seawood that I'm trudging up, and I feel disgust for anyone that is stereotyping me because I'm a woman. I'm controling myself right now. I could go off.
*W and S should be included on this list. Please forgive the omission. It would be "C, J, M, W, S and E" night out. That would be a good time. Apologies to Wayne Stiles who invited me to Guys Poker Night. Wayne is NOT lumped in with any of the Guy's Night Posse.
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