Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Emmett witnessed us fighting

Last night, Mike and I got into a big fight, and it was on and off in front of Emmett. I felt terrible about it as it was happening, and we'd stop, and then start again. It wasn't screaming, but it was viscious.

Emmett literally "tuned out". He knew something was wrong but he knew it didn't involve him, so he just stopped listening. At one point, he was even talking to himself. And when I would look over and smile at him (letting him know it wasn't him), he responded by smiling back.

There is something very tragic about this. That Emmett needs to tune out to be able to handle our fighting. We both know his very favorite times are when we're all together playing.

I'm also worried that he is scarred from this, but I am hoping that his tuneout mechanisms worked.


At 11:55 AM, Blogger the fraeulein said...

you know, I have no idea what Dr Spock would say about this. But fighting is a normal part of a healthy marriage, I think, and maybe it's not so scarring in the context of parents who clearly love each other. Just an idea.


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