Thursday, August 04, 2005

Emmett Eats with Fork & Says More Words.

Originally uploaded by sabbeth.
Yesterday and the day before, I was very out of it, and somehow, Emmett was still amazing. Both days I was extremely tired.

On Monday night, Mike and I got into a really stupid fight and were up really late. Emmett woke up at one point (of course this made me feel awful) and I went in and rocked him back to sleep and turned on the light in his fake fish tank and gave him water. I felt like a true mom.

Tuesday, I was tired becuase of it, and was just sort of sluggish. BUT, I took him to Boomers and we had a great time. He didn't want to give up his peeled banana (which was gross becuase at this point, he demands to eat everything whole and not cut up. So we walked into Boomers with Emmett holding this squishy, warm banana. He's so cute, the no food/drink rule didn't apply to him.

I brought him home, put him down for a nap, and later he woke up and we went in his new pool (that Nona Diane gave him). Then we ran around outside and visitted my parents who were dining with Father Anastasios.

Wednesday was totally uneventful and Emmett spent a lot of the day playing wiht his toys with me half playing. At one point, J.M. my client called, and Emmett accepted that I would be busy. Later, I played with him and roughhoused him and read him like 50 books.

Here are some new observations.

• Emmett is massively ready for potty training. He holds his diaper and "lets us know" when he pooped. Sometimes it even wakes us up.

• Emmett has started using forks to eat. I need to get him a fork that's the right size.

• Emmett can now say "Balloon", "Bike", "Ball", "I don't want it" and a few other things that I can't remember right now.

• He is still in love with cars. He points out every one, no matter how crudely drawn. He usually is holding at least 3.

• "Attack of the Kid" is back. I'll say "'s attack of the kid" and he'll come over and jump on me. He is also really into Hide and Seek right now. He'll hide in a place I can see him and I'll look around for him for a little while...then I'll accidentally "trip" over him, and he thinks that is so funny.

Emmett and I are bonding in a new way lately. I feel like he likes me and likes being around me. I adore him with everything I have and wish I could be the kind of mom that does nothing but their kids. Everything those mom's think is about their children. Dealing with the fact that I'm still maintaining my own independant life is dealing with a deviation from tradition.


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