Saturday, October 22, 2005

My struggle with TV and Emmett.

Originally uploaded by sabbeth.
Yesterday was a gross day and Emmett was still kind of sick. I elected an "in" day (skipping playgroup) and would have loved to watch TV all day with him. Instead, I let him watch a few shows in the morning (3) and when he woke up, felt too guilty about his TV viewing to let him watch more. Then, when J & Bryan (from LA) came over in the afternoon, he watched some weird TeleyTubby rip off on PBS for a few minutes.

I am really struggling with TV and am not sure what to do. In the past month, Emmett has watched an average of 2-4 hours of TV per day, including his videos and DVDs. This has been becuase of people being here or work we're doing etc. and you can't imagine how guilty I feel about this. I feel like I'm the worst mom.

Even more terrible, I've come to depend on the TV to keep him occupied for certain activities (dinner etc.) and for my own downtime. He rarely requests it...I'm always putting it on.

I am not sure how to handle this. No one reads this blog, but if you did, I'm sure there would be "Don't worry about it" advice. But I am worried. I always thought TV was the worst thing you could let your child do (along with sweets, which I am also guilty of). This is not how I wanted it to go at all.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Emmett's Nanny

There is not too much new to report, except that I have a few pictures from our anniversary trip. Mike, Emmett & I went to an MD house overlooking the Chesapeake Bay for our 5th Anniversary. I was sick most of the time, and all of us slept a lot.

Emmett spent the morning with Craig and Ana. They went to Lord & Taylor for clothes and then went to lunch at the diner on the corner. Ana can't be Emmett's nanny anymore because of school. There is no one in the world like her and I'm trying to figure this out. For now, I have a friend that's going to watch him until he finds other work. I want to leave him with someone he loves.

I'm busily trying to get the house together while he sleeps.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Here's Emmett at almost 2

The guilt that I feel for not blogging is like what you feel to a dusty diary. Only it's worse, because this is something I'm trying to keep for Emmett, realizing that only a serious girlfriend will ever read it most likely. Regardless, the changes that have happened in the past few months are astounding. I'm losing my baby and he's becoming a little boy. I marvel at him every smart he is. How sensitive he is. Mike just said (as we're listening to an awake Emmett on the monitor) "Emmett has learned the art of making annoying voices". Anyway, here's a snapshot of Emmett now:

CARS: The obsession continues. He loves cars. Even right now, he's talking about cars (Mike brought him down). One of his favorite things to do is have us go on google images and do an image search for cars. He points at the ones he wants to see bigger. He tells us which ones he likes and doesn't like. He talks endlessly about cars and trucks -- letting me know when he sees them.

WORDS: Emmett can confidently say about 30 or 40 words. Included here are Mommy, Daddy, Yaya, Papou, cars, truck, tractor, more (pronounced Mas), No, Yes (pronounced "Ta"), Juice, Pop (for Lollipop), That (when he wants something he can't pronounce). He has one distinct phrase which is "I don't want that" and that means he doesn't like something or want it. He is EXTREMELY opinionated and talks when alone, often shurgging his shoulders and shaking his head. Mike just brought him down and I said "good morning" and he said it back.

QUIRKS: He doesn't like his sleeves rolled up past his wrists. (Just like Mike) He hates getting his diaper changed. He likes to "choose his own sneakers" even though they're exactly the same. He loves purposely falling and making sounds. He loves spinning. He loves playing Attack of the Kid. He's extremely dramatic, falling and hiding, fake coughing etc. Right now he's on the floor rolling over. He's a strange child. He hates raisens. When he wakes up, he's cranky for at least 20 minutes...sometimes inconsolable. He doesn't know (sometimes) that its because he's hungry. He LOVES our bed, but he won't actually sleep with us. He jumps up and down and plays for hours, until we finally have to put him back in his crib. He also TRAFTS a lot -- and thinks its very funny.

POKEY: Mary gave Emmett a Gumby book and he is obsessed with Pokey and talks about Pokey all the time, constatntly requesting to watch it. I rented 2 videos from TLA and keep trying to explain that we took themn back to the store.

SOCIAL: He's very sociable, particularly with adults. Althought for the first 15 minutes of a new person, he's incredibly shy. His favorite kids are his cousins, hands down. But when he sees a kid about his age, he points to them and lets me know. Then, I usually help him to say hi. I try to show him the easy side of being social.

TOYS: Right now, his favorite toys are crayons and this gigantic game set we have of a million games with little pieces. Mike got him a tool box, which he loves. I'm not sure what to get him for his birthday: A bike, Gumby videos, this cool Ikea chair, new clothes, new toys...I really don'tknow.

DANCING: He loves twirling around. Just like I did when I was little. He also loves to sing.

ACTIVITIES: I try to take him to Playgroup on Monday and Friday adn yesterday I took him to story hour at the library. He LOVED it. He just loves the library. He loves all media....books, videos. He just loves it. Today I may take him to a story time at Barnes & Noble. I'm not sure. My friend Craig is here.

He's an amazing kid. Today,I think I'll take him to get a haircut with Anthony. We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.
