Friday, July 29, 2005

Emmett said a bunch of new words

Today was another normal, kind of uneventful day. Emmett woke up, played in his crib for awhile, and then Ana came over and played with him a little bit. We got all excited about the idea of buying another building near where we bought our house and putting a cafe (tenatively called 'Anakin" there.

Emmett took a nap and when he woke up, I brought him over to my mom's house. My grandmother was there and I brought one of Emmett's favorite books; a word book my mom gave him. It has pictures of items and I always say "Where's the ______" and he points to it. (Incidenatlly, his other favorite books are also this type. I bought them for him the other day. One is a general picture book. The other is all about Things that Go)

ANYWAY, he sort of said a few words -- Knife, Hammer and a few others. I could barely believe it. Lately, he's into spinning around to show he's excited. He also purposely falls on his butt as hard as he can.

He's still OBSESSED with cars. Any book we read, he points out the cars the entire time. When Mike is on his way home, Emmett likes to go out and wait so he can "sit in the front seat" as Mike drives up the alley. It's extremely cute.

He also loves to dance. Tonight I put on Regina Specktor and he immediately started swaying. We totally encourage it and I saied "Keep dancing Emmett!" and he danced even more robustly.

I'm amazed at how much more I love him every day. I just wish I didn't feel so inadequate. He is such an amazing child and I wish I were able to cherish every second I have with him. I know this period is short. I just don't know how to fully appreciate it.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Emmett hates shopping

We went to the King of Prussia mall yesterday and Emmett ONLY enjoyed hiding from me under the big racks of sale clothing. We were shopping for a dress for Ana and Emmett was busily playing hide and seek. It was impossible to shop for myself.

Mike met us there and Emmett was happy to see him, but was so rammy from being in the store, that he wasn't as excited as he may otherwise have been.

We were there for about 3 hours and at about 2:15 (several hours PAST his naptime) he and I left. We were driving in Ana's unairconditioned car and he fell asleep immediately but was sweating profusely and was bothered by the highway sounds (I had to have the windows open).

I adjusted the rear view mirror on "night mode", so I was watching him and seeing the cars in a nightview reflection. It was just a matter of refocusing my eyes. My heart was saddened by seeing this. He'd missed his naptime, he still had food on his face and he looked so uncomfortable.

When we got home, he couldn't sleep. It's so cool in here becuase of central air and I almost wondered if he had heat exhaustion in the car. We watched TV a little that night (he likes old movies, I think becuase they're slower). We watched a part of a Clint Eastwood movie (Two Mules for Sister Sarah) and during the war scenes I would try to change the channel, and he got upset at one point wanting me to put it back. Then we watched the beginning of The Great Escape, but Emmett was ramey and I knew he was tired.

I put him (protesting) to bed. He cried for about 30 seconds and when I went in 10 minutes later to check on him (since I promised him I would), he was snoring.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My mom's birthday lunch at Perkins

This morning started out normally. Emmett played in his crib for about an hour, then I took him over to my mom's and she gave him flowers we picked outside (she loved it). We played cars there for awhile, came back, and he watched a Veggie Tales video while I got dressed.

Right before it was time to go, emmett purposely dumped over a pile of papers and I demanded that he put them back. He got upset and was crying and I hugged him and explained that he needed to put them away. He didn't want to, and threw a temper tantrum, at the same time crying becuase he didn't want me to be mad at him. (which I wasn't and I wasn't acting like). I told him that we couldn't go until he put them away. Finally, I put him on my knee again -- I'd tried this several times--and together we put the papers away.

At Perkins, he was an angel as usual. My mom had a nice birthday breakfast and Emmett didn't eat his waffle, but was acting cute the whole time.

Emmett witnessed us fighting

Last night, Mike and I got into a big fight, and it was on and off in front of Emmett. I felt terrible about it as it was happening, and we'd stop, and then start again. It wasn't screaming, but it was viscious.

Emmett literally "tuned out". He knew something was wrong but he knew it didn't involve him, so he just stopped listening. At one point, he was even talking to himself. And when I would look over and smile at him (letting him know it wasn't him), he responded by smiling back.

There is something very tragic about this. That Emmett needs to tune out to be able to handle our fighting. We both know his very favorite times are when we're all together playing.

I'm also worried that he is scarred from this, but I am hoping that his tuneout mechanisms worked.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Emmett said "Cheese"

today at a BBQ we had with my parents. It was very clear and distinct as far as the "s" sound goes. He was also very into me today. At one point my mom wanted to take him to her house and he shook his head no and hugged me, indicating he wanted to stay with me. I played with him outside for a long time (mostly ball) and then I took him in and read to him for awhile.

Emmett thinks I'm funny. I play this game (today and many days) where I put his hat on my head and pretend like I'm dancing to the music and "accidentally" shake it off. He CRACKS up. He also shuts his eyes when he knows he's going to get his face wiped and thinks it's really funny when instead of wiping his face, I brush his face lightly with a napkin.

Tonight, he didn'twant to go to sleep, so I brought him in our bed and laid down with him for about a half an hour. Our bed is right against the window and I had the window open, and he put his face in front of it (right where mine was) and was just breathing in the fresh air. He loved it. And then he stared playing with me, putting his fingers in my face and making little grunt noises.

Other Emmett events:

• I gave him a cupcake which he promptly put frosting up into his face. It got all over everything and I just laughed and let him do it.

• Emmett understands almost everything and can respond to full sentences.

• Emmett "lets us know" when he just pooped and wants his diaper changed. Other times, he cries when I try to change him.

• The other day I felt like he got upset with me when I left him in his crib for awhile. I felt like he felt rejected. I asked him if he wanted to play and he said no, and kept playing...but barely, like he was sad. Finally, I took him out and started playing with him and he was still fussy and in a bad mood. But when I got really into it, he was happy again.

• I'm realizing Emmett does have feelings and needs me to want to be around him. I need to remember this. He understands more than I realize.

I am enjoying Emmett more than I ever thought I could. Today in church he was playing wiht the kids...running around and laughing. He totally fits in. One girl came up to me and said "He's so cute" and there's this boy every week (he's about 6) that follows him around and "blocks" him from going anywhere. Emmett loves it.

Friday, July 22, 2005

For the past week

Emmett & Colin Cute
Originally uploaded by elisabethie.

Emmett is changing so much, and as I said to Mike last night, I am so in love with him i don't know what to do. I feel like watching him all day with someone and saying "Did you see that! Look at how cute".

He now has:

• 2 front teeth that you have to lift his lip to see. (when I do this he thinks it's funny and feels really proud)

• He can say "Da-DDY" and "Car" and "Itsz" for pizza and "Ta" for yes.

• He knows where everything is. I show him picutre books and ask him to point at things, and he knows where almost everything is.

• He loves playing alone in his crib.

• He gets very upset if he does something wrong and I say "No".

• He LOVES to read. It is his favorite activity ever. His favorite book is one with Elmo in it.

• He likes Baby Einstein books and the They Might Be Giants video. He loves to dance.

Right now I'm listeneing to him on the intercom while Mike is getting ready to go to work. I might take him to the pool today.
